All Activities


Blow Bubbles

Present a variety of wands and battery-operated bubble blowers to explore.

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Chase & Pop Bubbles

Blow bubbles, or use a bubble machine, for your tot to chase and pop.

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Collect the Season

Go on a nature walk, and collect items that represent the season.

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Dress Up for the Seasons

Provide a variety of clothing items and accessories for different seasons. Mix them up. Pick a season, and encourage your tot to dress for it.

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Fly Like a Bird

Pretend to fly like a bird. Tie colorful scarves to wrists and flap "wings" to music. When music stops, sit down in "nest."

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How Are Trees Helpers?

Learn about the ways that trees help people & animals (oxygen, habitats, food, wood, beauty, etc.).

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How Long is an Inch?

Learn about rulers, and see the length of 1 inch.

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Hug a Tree

Observe a tree up close. See if you can wrap your arms around its trunk. Smell its bark and leaves. Listen to its sounds. Make a bark rubbing.

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Investigating Bird Parts

View photos or models of birds. Point to their parts and/or say the names of their parts (feathers, beak, wings, feet). Investigate feathers (store-bought) using a magnifying glass.

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Investigating Tree Parts

View a tree. Point to its parts and/or say the names of its parts (roots, trunk, branches, twigs, leaves). Collect samples from the tree and investigate using a magnifying glass.

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Make Your Own Bubbles

Provide water and dish-soap to mix. Use a straw to add air to the bubble solution.

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Measure Your Frog Jumps

Practice frog jumps, and measure your leaps.

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My Hands Are My Ruler

Use your kiddo's hand length to create a "ruler" to measure objects around the house.

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Paint the Season

Observe the weather, and draw or paint the features you notice (sun, clouds, snow, rain, wind).

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Play-doh Inchworms

Use play-doh to create worms of varying lengths.

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Sculpt Birds

Display a photo of a bird. Provide play-doh or modeling clay to sculpt birds.

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Tree Pose

Practice doing the yoga tree pose.

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What Makes a Bird a Bird?

Learn about the characteristics of birds (wings, feathers, beak or bill, no teeth, lay eggs, etc.).

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What's a Bubble Made Of?

Learn what a bubble is made of (water, soap molecules, air) and what shape it takes.

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Why is it Hot in Summer and Cold in Winter?

Learn about the four seasons and why they happen.

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