About STEMTots

How do we keep the kiddos engaged – and this SAHM sane?

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of kids activities blogs out there attempting to solve this age-old problem. There are endless arts & crafts, fine & gross motor activities, sensory bins, DIY projects – and “printables” galore.

And yet here I am, another mom making another website. What gives?

The thing is, in my 5 years (and counting) as a full-time mom to my two young children, I’ve learned that there’s no shortage of “things to do.” (Thank you, Google!) No, it turns out that our family’s biggest challenge has been finding our rhythm.

I can find an activity online, track down the supplies, round up the kids, and have some fun while killing some time. But more often than not, 15 minutes later we’re all looking at each other asking “Now what?” In isolation, the very best activities aren’t very satisfying.

It took a couple of years, and many false starts, but we finally found a rhythm that works for us. (Learn more about our Secret Sauce here.) A typical day of STEM learning from home includes a sensory activity, a children’s book and learning topic, a playful skill-building activity, and some exercise - preferably outdoors. All this is tied to a theme of interest for the kiddos. It’s simple, flexible, and (usually) fun. Perhaps you’ll find it works for your family too.

Now I should mention: I’m not a child-development expert. I have an MBA with a concentration in health & human services. In my former life I managed nonprofit organizations serving homeless & formerly-homeless families. But since becoming a full-time parent, I’ve learned a lot about my new job: helping my kids play, learn, and grow. I’ve learned about the Reggio Emilia model; STEM early learning; parent-child attachment; inquiry-driven, child-led, play-based learning; and early developmental milestones. I try to incorporate these models in my time with my kiddos, and here on this site.

Over the years, I’ve found much inspiration from sites like this. In the spirit of paying it forward…

Welcome to STEMtots!