Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Science: Life Science Sensory Processing Fine Motor

Sculpt Birds

Display a photo of a bird. Provide play-doh or modeling clay to sculpt birds.


Get Ready

Gather the following materials. We've linked to our suggested choices, but feel free to substitute!


Begin to mold a bird with clay. Encourage your tot to try. She might want to mold a nest, or an egg, or something entirely different! Follow your tot’s lead and support her play.


Share your observations aloud, and encourage your tot to observe and/or describe the what she is molding.

  • Does our mold look like the photo? What’s the same? What’s different?
  • What colors are we using?
  • What shapes? Is our clay flat, or round like a ball?
  • What sizes are our clay pieces? Let’s find the biggest and smallest!
  • How does our clay feel? Smooth? Rough? Soft? Hard?

Used in Learning Plans