Photo by Mike Fox on Unsplash

Sensory Processing Fine Motor Science: Earth Science

Paint the Season

Observe the weather, and draw or paint the features you notice (sun, clouds, snow, rain, wind).


Get Ready

Gather the following materials. We've linked to our suggested choices, but feel free to substitute!

  • Washable Paints
  • Crayons
  • Easel Paper
  • Easel


Sit outside or near a window with your easel. Pause for a few minutes and take notice of the environment. Encourage your tot to look carefully at her surroundings. Begin to draw or paint what you see on the easel paper. Encourage your tot to try. Then follow your tot’s lead and support her play.


Share your observations aloud, and encourage your tot to observe what nature looks like this season.

  • Look up to the sky. What do you see? The sun? Clouds?
  • Look ahead and to the side. What do you see? Rain? Snow? Blowing leaves? Trees that are full, or without any leaves?
  • Look down to the ground. What do you see? Grass? Flowers? Mud? Snow?
  • What colors do we see? In the sky? On the ground?
  • Does our painting look like it looks outside? What’s the same? What’s different?

Used in Learning Plans